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Faculty Councils at all faculties of the University of Lodz have already recommended candidates for Deans for the term 2024-2028.

Candidates for Deans are nominated every four years (until the end of April of the last year of the term) by the Faculty Councils, which include representatives of academic teachers, non-academic employees, doctoral students and students.

In accordance with the Statute of the University of Lodz, candidates for the position of Dean are proposed by members of the Faculty Council. The candidate for Dean is selected by an absolute majority in the presence of at least half of the statutory members of the Council, in a secret ballot. The dean may be a Professor or University Professor holding a postdoctoral degree who has been employed at the university as their primary place of work for at least 5 years, counting from the date of appointment.

Within two weeks of the presentation by the Faculty Council of a candidate for Dean recommended by its members, the Rector of the University of Lodz may either accept or reject the candidature, of which they shall notify the Council. If rejected, the Faculty Council has two weeks to present another candidate. If this candidate is not accepted either, the Rector appoints a person of their choice as Dean.

Vice-deans, up to five in number, chosen from among persons with an academic degree of at least PhD, employed at the university as their primary place of work, are appointed by the Rector at the request of the Dean.

Faculty Councils of the University of Lodz have so far recommended the following Deans for the term 2024-2028:

The term 2024-2028 starts on 1 September of the current year. Then, the position of Rector of the University of Lodz will be taken over by Prof. Dr hab. Rafał Matera, elected by the electors of the University of Lodz on 19 March 2024.

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz