Did you know that having your name on the student list alone does not guarantee the status of student? In order to become a full member of our academic community and fully enjoy student privileges, be sure to complete very important formalities between 1 and 10 October.


To fully enjoy student privileges, you should take the following actions:

  • log in to your USOSWeb account
  • accept the statement of familiarisation with and obedience to the rules of payment for educational services provided at the University of Lodz for full-time / part-time / paid full-time studies in a foreign language
  • accept the confirmation of taking the oath (NOTE: the oaths are separate for each study programme for which documents were submitted).

If you do not accept both of these declarations by the specified deadline (10 October), your entry on the student list will be cancelled!


Source: Recruitment and Didactic Excellence Centre, University of Lodz
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz