University of Lodz is among the universities that received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the programmes: "Excellent Science II" and "Social Responsibility of Science II". Of 11 applications which were submitted by our university, as many as 9 projects have received funding! Congratulations to the authors!

The "Excellent Science II" programme

1. "Wybrane aspekty życia codziennego epoki antyku i Bizancjum w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych[Selected aspects of everyday life in the era of antiquity and Byzantium in the light of interdisciplinary research] – an application by the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe Ceraneum, Prof. Maciej Kokoszko.

The project includes the organisation of the 6th edition of the international, interdisciplinary scientific conference Colloquia Ceranea, which will include two thematic panels devoted to the history of medicine and food from the times of Greco-Roman antiquity and Byzantium.

Time span of the project: 2023 – 2024

2. "18. Zjazd Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Psychologii Społecznej" [18th Congress of the Polish Association of Social Psychology] – an application by the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Dr hab. Anna Paszkowska-Rogacz.

The project includes the organisation of the 18th Congress of the Polish Association of Social Psychology (PSPS) in Lodz in September 2023. This will be yet another edition of the conference considered to be one of the most important meetings of psychologists in the country, which has been held continuously (except for the pandemic period) since 2004. This year's congress is being prepared by the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lodz in cooperation with the Polish Association of Social Psychology. During the Congress, there will be a jubilee discussion panel devoted to the scientific activity of the outstanding psychologist from Lodz, Robert Zajonc, due to the 100th anniversary of his birth falling this year. In addition, the event will be honoured by the participation of well-known international researchers – Prof. Caterina Suitner from the University of Padova and Prof. Sofia Stathi from the University of Greenwich.

Time span of the project: 21 April 2023 – 20 October 2023

3. "Tłumaczenie monografii Dostępność transportowa i obciążenie sieci drogowej w Polsce (...)" [Translation of the monograph Transport accessibility and the load on the road network in Poland (...)" – an application by the Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Dr hab. Szymon Wisniewski, Associate Professor.

The project assumes translation into the congress language (English) of a scientific monograph entitled "Dostępność transportowa i obciążenie sieci drogowej w Polsce w świetle zagrożeń powodziowych" [Transport accessibility and the load on the road network in Poland in the light of flood hazards], by Dr hab. Szymon Wiśniewski, Associate Professor, published in 2021 by the Lodz University Press. The monograph presents the results of research aimed at determining the vulnerability of passenger road transport in Poland by identifying the nature and scale of changes in transport accessibility and changes in the load on the road network in case of flooding.

Time span of the project: 2023 – 2024 

4. "Tłumaczenie monografii "Wojna powietrzna a międzynarodowe prawo humanitarne" [Translation of the monograph "Air war and international humanitarian law"] – an application by the Faculty of Law and Administration, Dr Mateusz Piątkowski.

The aim of the project is to translate into the congressional language (English) a scientific monograph, which in a comprehensive and innovative way refers to the law of air warfare, a special segment of international humanitarian law. Translation of the monograph into English will make it possible to supplement the missing position in the doctrine of international law. It will also be an introduction to the scientific discourse of an interdisciplinary position, covering not only issues in the field of law, but also aviation technology and strategy.

Time span of the project: 2023 – 2025

Information about the programme and a full list of selected projects (in Polish)

 The "Social Responsibility of Science II" programme

5. "Instytut Kreatywnej Biologii" [Institute for Creative Biology] – an application by the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Dr Mariusz Krupiński.

The objective of the project is to popularise science and disseminate the achievements of biological sciences, primarily among young people from high schools from the Voivodeship of Lodz and neighbouring voivodeships. The project offers free academic classes (lectures, practical classes, field workshops) addressed primarily to students, but also to biology teachers who want to increase their professional competences and develop their teaching skills. Two editions of meetings with students are assumed.

Time span of the project: 2023 – 2025

6. "Uwolnij Umysł" - akademia dla społeczeństwa, społeczność dla akademii[Free Your Mind" – an Academy for Society, Community for Academia] – an application by the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection in consultation with CAMiNO – Centre for Data Analysis, Modelling and Computational Sciences of the University of Lodz and CEIN – University of Lodz Centre of Social Innovations, Dr Dominik Strapagiel, Associate Professor

The main goal of the project is to organise projects that show in an accessible way the usefulness of scientific knowledge in the field of social sciences and mathematics and natural sciences among students, their guardians, parents and members of the local community. The project is also to strengthen the dialogue between the local communities of the Voivodeship of Lodz and the academic community of the University of Lodz with the support of local governments. The project activities focus on: workshops for primary school students in grades 4-8 (three thematic blocks are planned: sociology, psychology and biology/mathematics); workshops, lectures in regional cultural centres for guardians and families of children; promotion of the research results and the achieved effects of the project at festivals; production of short video materials in which representatives of science will talk about their discoveries, passions and motivations related to their work.

Time span of the project: 2023 – 2025 

7. "Opracowanie i konserwacja cennej kolekcji neofilologicznej" [Development and conservation of a valuable neophilological collection] – an application by the University of Lodz Library, director Tomasz Piestrzyński. 

The aim of the project is to develop, conserve and make available to readers a selected – the most valuable part of the book collection donated to the University of Lodz Library by the heirs of Leszek Engelking, an outstanding literary scholar, a translator, a literary critic and a lecturer associated with many universities in Poland and abroad. The material scope of the project includes 3,200 volumes, primarily literature and scientific studies in several foreign languages, mainly in Czech, but also in English, Slovak, German, Spanish, French and Ukrainian.

Time span of the project: 2023 – 2025

8. "Cenne pommeranica i prussica drugiego półwiecza XVII stulecia w zbiorach Biblioteki UŁ" [Precious Pommeranica and Prussica of the Second Half of the 17th Century in the Collection of the University of Lodz Library] – an application by the University of Lodz Library, director Tomasz Piestrzyński. 

The project is a continuation of the "Cenne pommeranica i prussica pierwszego półwiecza XVII stulecia w zbiorach Biblioteki UŁ" [Precious Pommeranica and Prussica of the First Half of the 17th Century in the Collection of the University of Lodz Library] project implemented in 2020-2022. The current project focuses on texts published in the second half of the 17th century, over the years 1651-1700. Four hundred titles have been selected for the project, which will be properly sanitised, developed in accordance with applicable standards, digitised and promoted through a mobile exhibition.

Time span of the project: 2023 – 2025

9. "Rękopiśmienne dziedzictwo kulturowe 1791-1918 w zbiorach Biblioteki UŁ" [Handwritten Cultural Heritage 1791-1918 in the Collection of the University of Lodz Library] – an application by the University of Lodz Library , director Tomasz Piestrzyński. 

The project "Rękopiśmienne dziedzictwo kulturowe 1791-1918 w zbiorach Biblioteki UŁ" is a continuation of the project "Rękopiśmienne dziedzictwo kulturowe XV-XVIII wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki UŁ" [Handwritten Cultural Heritage of the 15th-18th Centuries in the Collection of the University of Lodz Library], implemented in 2020-2022. Ninety-six handwritten documents of public and private life were selected for the project activities for the years 2023-2025: state, court, military; city and church administration, assemblies and societies; family archives and correspondence; diaries, personal relationships and the so-called varia. The handwritten documents are of source nature and of great importance for research in the field of humanities, especially for research on the history of Poland and Poles in the country and abroad, economic history of the country, history of administration, genealogy, biographical studies, literary studies, ethnology, history of culture.

Time span of the project: 2023 – 2025 

The call for both competitions lasted from 1 February 2023 to 2 March 2023 and, due to the limited number of applications that a university may submit under each competition, it was preceded by internal call, as a result of which 11 applications representing the University of Lodz have been selected.

What kind of support can be obtained under each of the programmes:

  • The "Excellent Science II" programme supports project aiming at scientific achievements presentation, including the latest results of scientific research or development work, by organising scientific conferences, publishing scientific monographs or translating them into congress languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian or Italian). 
  • The "Social Responsibility of Science II" programme supports projects aiming at popularisation of science and project related to the maintenance of library resources of significant importance to science or its heritage. 

Source: Science Centre, University of Lodz

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz