II Edycja Ligi Matematycznej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

The second edition of the Mathematical League of University of Lodz has started. Every student of our Faculty is invited to participate, regardless of the field or year of studies.

Every month and a half we will publish a list of 3 mathematical exercises. There will be 5 series of exercises during whole academic year. The task of the participants is to solve given problems on one's own. For every exercise you can get max. 10 points. You don't need to solve every problem to participate in the competition. Solutions should be handed over to dr. Piotr Nowakowski.

Solutions can be delivered on paper to the room B207 (if nobody is there, it is possible to leave solutions in B205) or electronically on e-mail: piotr.nowakowski@wmii.uni.lodz.pl. The solution of every exercise should be written on a separate (signed) piece of paper. If solutions are sent by an e-mail, then every name of every file should contain student's name, surname and number of exercise which solution is in the file.

After each of 5 series of the exercises, the ranking table with the results of the competitiors will be published. Taking part in the league means also giving permission for publication of your results.

After the last series, laureates will be selected, according to the sum of points obtained in each series. There will be a prize for the laureates.

The first series of 3 exercises and solutions for all tasks from the previous edition are available below.

Deadline for delivering solutions: 30.11.2023.

If you have any questions, then send an e-mail on the address: piotr.nowakowski@wmii.uni.lodz.pl.

We invite you to have fun with Mathematical League.

We also plan to start with mathematical science club. We invite all students who want to broaden their mathematical horizons. Topics of the meetings will depend on interests of participants. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Kacper Grzelakowski: kacper.grzelakowski@wmii.uni.lodz.pl