Zaprojektuj algorytm sterowania dronem – konkurs dla studentów i doktorantów

This is the third edition of the competition organised by MathWorks and Oprogramowanie Naukowo-Techniczne. It consists in developing an autonomous minidrone line follower. The final round of the competition will take place at the Warsaw University of Technology. The prize pool is PLN 10,000.

The competition is intended for students and doctoral students from univerities in Poland who would like to develop key skills in autonomous navigation using the Model-Based Design methodology in Simulink. Participants will have to design and simulate an algorithm to control a drone so that it autonomously flies along a line and lands at a designated location. The aim of the competition is to select the best algorithm for autonomous navigation of a drone that is to move along a predetermined path without a GPS signal.

The competition is open to teams of 2-4 people. The organisers are waiting for applications until 21 December of the current year. More information, the competition rules and the application form can be found on the organiser's website.

The winning team will receive PLN 5,000, while the second place winners will receive PLN 3,000, and the third place winners PLN 2,000.

Source: MathWorks 
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz