„Matematyka po łódzku” – młodzież szkół średnich na UŁ

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lodz hosted young people from High Schools No. 11, No.18 and No.25 in Lodz and from the Władysław Grabski Complex of Postprimary Schools No 3 in Kutno on 18 October of the current year.

As part of the event "Matematyka po Łódzku" [Mathematics the Lodz Way], students had an opportunity to listen to a lecture delivered by Dr Maciej Czarnecki from the Department of Geometry and learn about the offer of maths studies at the University of Lodz and Lodz University of Technology. They also met with a graduate of the faculty and took part in workshops prepared by student science clubs operating at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Lodz. At the end, the high school students had a chance to taste lunch at the student canteen of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz.

The event was organised by the Lodz Branch of the Polish Mathematical Society as part of the Akademicka Łódź Matematyczna 2024 [Academic Mathematical Lodz 2024] project under the public task entitled Łódź Akademicka – naukowa, kreatywna i wielokulturowa 2024 [Academic Lodz – Scientific, Creative and Multicultural 2024] financed from the budget of the City of Lodz.