Proggy-Buggy - międzynarodowy konkurs programistyczny_9.12.2023

DataArt invites students to participate in the International Proggy-Buggy Programming Competition. The competition will be held on December 9th, 2023 (Saturday) 11:00 AM Polish time in the form of online and offline (in selected locations).

All you need to participate in the competition is registration, a laptop and stable network connection.



The Proggy-Buggy Contest consists of 13 algorithmic problems to be solved in 42 minutes. The answer to each task is a console application, the source code of which can be written in any programming language (C, C++, Free Pascal, Java, Mono C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript).

The competition provides an opportunity to test yourself, compete with participants from around the world and win prizes.
The past editions attracted more than 10 000 people from 60 countries over nine years.

The language of the competition is English.

Participation is for free, but prior registration on the website is required: