Medal „Serce Dziecku” dla prof. Władysława Wilczyńskiego z UŁ

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr hab. Władysław Wilczyński from the Department of Real Functions at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Lodz is among this year’s ten awardees of the "Serce dziecku" [Child's Heart] medal. The decision to award the medal was made by the Lodz Chapter of Children and Youth, operating at Primary School No. 81. in Lodz. The ceremony took place at the Children’s Martyrdom Monument (Broken Heart Monument) in the Gray Ranks Park in Lodz, near the former Nazi camp for Polish children at Przemysłowa Street.

Prof. Władysław Wilczyński

"Serce Dziecku" Medal is an honour awarded to adults for their selfless work and dedication to children. This is a unique medal, because it is awarded by children and youth. Every adult who serves children and young people with their work, dedication and extraordinary deeds, shares their knowledge and provides them with care and support may become the medal awardee. It is a symbol of special recognition for love, work and dedication to children and youth.

Prof. Dr hab. Władysław Ryszard Wilczyński, who was born in Lodz in 1946, is a mathematician, lecturer at the University of Lodz and the Lodz University of Technology, a specialist in the field of real functions. He regularly conducts popular science readings for primary and high school students in Lodz. He cooperates with Primary School No. 172 for in Lodz.

This year, apart from the scientist from the University of Lodz, Prof. Władysław Wilczyński, the "Serce Dziecku" medals were also awarded to:

  • Błażej Bednarski – vocational education teacher at Secondary School Complex No. 5
  • Tomasz Bilicki – citizenship education teacher at Primary School No. 81
  • Marzanna Kołodziej – Polish teacher at the Complex of Craft Schools
  • Rafał Michał Kamiński – English teacher at Primary School No. 67 
  • Łukasz Pilżys – geography teacher and vice-principal of the Social Primary School of the Educational Society "Edukacja"
  • Małgorzata Sarlińska-Kotras – history teacher at Primary School No. 3
  • Robert Olczyk – doorman at Primary School No. 34 
  • Anna Gryglewska – physics teacher at High School No. 24
  • Elżbieta Jurek – principal of Elementary School No. 29


Source: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lodz