Wyniki konkursu z okazji Dnia Liczby Pi

Zwycięzca konkursu okazał się Eldar Mukhatarov - student Computer Science, który zaprojektował i stworzył wydruk 3D "Pi-rate".

The winner is Eldar Mukhatarov - student of Computer Science, who designed and created the 3D printed Pi-rate.

Ahoy matey! Allow me to introduce you to Pi-rate, the fierce pirate captain with a mathematical twist. This 3D model is the perfect blend of humor and math for the university's Pi Day contest.

Pi-rate's distinctive features include a peg leg in the shape of the number 3 and a cutlass sword always at the ready to take on any mathematical challenge. But what really sets Pi-rate apart is their trademark hat, featuring a menacing skull that strikes fear into the hearts of all who cross their path.

Despite their fearsome reputation, Pi-rate has a love for all things math, which is evident in their trusty companion a parrot who squawks out random digits of pi at unexpected moments. It's a bit of a distraction, but Pi-rate wouldn't have it any other way.

So join Pi-rate on their mathematical and pirate adventures, and prepare to be amazed and amused at every turn. Who knows what new mathematical discoveries you'II uncover along the way and, most importantly, how much fun you'II have doing it!

Wszystkim uczestnikom konkursu serdecznie dziękujemy, a Eldarowi gratulujemy!

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